Inventory on Hand

Nickelodeon TMNT Retro 4 Player Cabinet & Retro Light Gun Kit

4 Player Arcade Cabinet, Premium Artwork, 3″ Trackball, 512GB SSD Arcade Game, 8TB HDD Arcade & Console Game Expansion $209.99, 16,217 Arcade Games, Retro Light Gun Kit (2x AimTrak Recoil Light Guns, 1TB SSD, NVIDIA RTX 3050 GPU, 181 Light Gun Games, $1,299.99, Subwoofer $44.99. Total $5,104.96 plus HST.

Transformers Full Size 4 Player Pedestal

4 Player Arcade Pedestal, Premium Artwork with 3″ Trackball, Dell PC, 1TB SSD, 12,733 Arcade/Console Games. Plus the Light Gun Upgrade Kit, 2x Recoil Light Guns, Upgrade PC, NVIDIA GTX 1650 GPU, 1TB SSD, 175 Games. Total $3,049.98 plus HST.

Pac-Man Classic Full Size Cabinet

Ultimarc Magstik Plus $44.99 x2, Ultimarc Red Ball Top Handle $19.99 x2, 4TB External Hard Drive $169.99, 15,317 games, Pac-Man Bezel around monitor $49.99, 8″ Subwoofer $44.99, Total $3,494.92 plus HST

GhostBusters Virtual Pinball 49″

687 Force Feedback Pinball Tables (Games), 7.1 Surround Sound Feedback (Haptic Feedback), 2x Contactors, 8x Solenoids, Shaker Motor, Subwoofer, Analogy Plunger, Real Nudging. Total $7,699.99 plus HST

Nintendo’s Mario Kart Arcade GP Stand Up Driving Cabinet

Includes 236 Arcade and Computer Racing Games, Force Feedback Steer, 8″ Subwoofer. Total $4,199.99 plus HST.

Sit Down Driving Cabinet – Passion Racing

Logitech G29 Force Feedback Steering Wheel, Logitech G Driving Force Shifter, 200+ Games, 32″ LCD Monitor. Total $5,699.99 plus HST

Ultimate Arcade Full Size 27 Retro Premium

Chrome T-Molding $39.99, Mini PC with 512gb SSD, 11,740 games. Total $3,139.98 plus HST

Frogger Bartop and Stand

Bartop 24″ Standard – 24″ LCD with Mini PC with 512gb, 11,740 games. Total $1,449.99 plus HST

Bartop Stand – $349.99 plus HST

Galaga Pedestal with Matching Stand

Mini PC with 256gb, 6,232 Games. $1,249.99 plus HST

Street Fighter II Bartop 24 XL and Stand

Bartop XL – 3″ Trackball, Mini PC with 512GB SSD Drive, 11,740 games, 24″ LCD Monitor. Total $1,749.99 plus HST

Bartop XL Stand – $374.99 plus HST

Dig Dug Premium Stand Up 24

Dig Dug Bezel Artwork $49.99, Ultimarc Spinner $154.99, Mini PC with 512gb SSD, 11,740 games. Total $2,654.97 plus HST