Do you have a business that could help having an arcade cabinet or amusement device on the premises? We can customize the right arcade cabinet or amusement device to help boost morale or entice customers to come in.
Office game room / break room / lunch room where teammates can gather for friendly competition and team bonding. These creative ideas seek to elevate these common areas beyond the standard setup and offer more opportunities for connection and camaraderie-building.
If you’re at a dentist’s office, doctor’s office, or optometrist clinic, arcade video games are the perfect way to keep your clients occupied while they wait. No more old magazines! If you are running an office or clinic where you serve children and pediatrics, arcade video games may be a great solution to keeping them busy! Video games for the waiting room also helps with image – if kids know that there are video games while they wait, they’ll be more excited to visit the office.
We can customize the arcade cabinet software and artwork to include your logo and/or graphics. If you have a logo you would like displayed on the arcade cabinet or a theme so the arcade cabinet matches you office, breakroom, waiting area or restaurant, we can find a solution. You can choose a full featured arcade with 12,000 games or a select number of specific games.
Examples of what you can do.
Waiting room at doctor, dentist or optometrist.
Entertainment lounge in your apartment building.
Lunch room / break room at your work or office.
Claw machine in doctor’s office to reward kids after a checkup.